National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE)
Second Main Road, TNHB, Ayapakkam, Chennai – 600077
Job Description : Candidates are invited for a walk-in interview for appointment to the following positions on purely temporary and on contract basis on a consolidated salary for a period of one year only and extendable for three years or until completion of the study :
Project Manager : 01 post
Pay : Rs.30000
Assistant Statistician : 01 post
Pay : Rs.12500
Sr. Technical Assistant (Nutrition) : 01 post
Pay: Rs.10500
Assistant : 03 posts
Pay : Rs.10000
Walkin Date : 17th December, 2008
Walkin Time : 9 AM
Walkin Venue :
National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) (ICMR),