Custome Relationship Executives in SBI
Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai
Recruitment of Customer Relationship Executives (PB) in SBI
* Cutomer Relationship Executives (PB) : 1340 posts, Remunaration : Rs.3.0 Lac per annum (fixed pay 70% and variable pay 30%), Qualification : Graduation in Arts/ Commers/ Science with minimum 50% marks. (ii) Knowledge in Computers (Ms-Office i.e. Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, ppt, use of Internet Surfing etc) is essential. Preferred : (i) Any additional Degree or 2 years Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management with Marketing/ Financial Management subject from recognised university. Or Certified Financial Analyst/ Chartered Accountant/ Certified Financial Planner from recognised bodies. Or Diploma in Management with Marketing / Financial Management subject. (ii) Candidates who possess AMFI and IRDA certificates., Age : Minimum Age : 21 years ; Maximum Age : 28 years. Relaxation as per rules., Experience : Minimum 2 years experience.
How to Apply : Eligible candidates need to apply ONLINE upto 19/12/2008.
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